At our school, our vision is that 'each person is known and valued'. We recognise that each individual student is on a learning journey through life and that individual wellness and connection with others is important. We also know that wellbeing is so closely linked with academic achievement and in achieving our diocesan mission of a ‘fullness of life’. We acknowledge that parents are children’s first and most important educators and in the words of our CSO Director “Our teachers and support staff work with families to support students to recognise, achieve and then surpass their potential, to believe in themselves and to have pride in their own achievements and abilities”.
This is why we offer to our students a holistic education with a range of support programs and services to support their wellbeing in partnership with parents. In addition to the support and close relationships our Teaching Staff have with their students, we understand that some children benefit from further well-being support. This can include individual strategies in the classroom, playground, supported social groups, interest clubs, counselling, play-based therapies and sometimes referral to external services.
As we recognise that each child is unique and valued, we work closely with parents through our Wellbeing Team. This team is made up of our Principal, Rick Galvin , Assistant Principal Mission, Maria Wilson, Additional Needs Coordinator, Fiona Hayward, and our School Psychologist/Counsellor, Rebecca Jamieson. Together we recommend strategies and programs for students referred to us by their parents and carers. We respect the confidentiality and sensitivity of some well-being concerns where the focus remains on strategies to support rather than sharing any personal family circumstances where appropriate.
If your child is experiencing some difficulties in their well-being and you feel we can support your child, you are welcome to complete a well-being referral (available below) and/or make an appointment to see Rick Galvin or any of the team to discuss your concerns or questions privately. We also have partnered with Social Futures, which supports any family connected to Catholic Education in the Lismore Diocese to connect with external service providers including NDIS support, housing support, and many other services.
We look forward to continuing to work together with you to support your child on their learning journey toward a fullness of life.